In today’s episode, we talked about how a Torah home is a home that enjoys creation. We share practical ways to “worship the Creator rather than the creation,” with ideas for homeschooling, backyard hospitality, making your own backyard fire pit, getting rid of pesky mosquitoes, and more. Special guest Heidi Cooper talks about how she helps her children enjoy and learn from being outside in creation.
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We shared the following Scripture passages and helpful links:
- Special Guest Heidi Cooper from
- Her blog post, “Nature Study for Moms“
- National Audubon Society Field Guides on Amazon (affiliate link)
- The Children’s Ketubah Project, by Heidi Cooper
Backyard Hospitality:
- Maid-Rite recipe
- How to Make Inexpensive Backyard Seating
- 1 Peter 4:8-10, ERV
- Romans 12:13-18, NIV
Torah Talk:
- Deuteronomy 6:4-9, NKJV
- Romans 1:25
- Psalm 8
- Psalm 104:24-35
Heart and Home
- How to Make a Fire Pit (with just 3 things needed: a shovel, rocks, and maybe sand for the bottom)
- Kosher Marshmallows and a Yummy Way to Enjoy ‘Smores
On Location:
- Plant mint, lavender, rosemary, basil, catnip, and lemongrass plants in and around your yard.
- Homemade bug spray made from one of these combinations:
- peppermint, lemongrass, and witch hazel
- mint, lavender, and rosemary
- apple cider vinegar
- essential oils, such as lemongrass or cedarwood, combined with coconut oil
- B Vitamins give your blood an “off” taste for the mosquitoes
Teaching Tip:
- Study one letter of the alphabet with your young child.
The following music clips were included in this week’s episode:
- “Sing Your Praise to the Lord,” by Amy Grant (Age to Age)
- “Blue Creek Trail,” by Dan Lebowitz, YouTube audio
- “Breathing Planet,” by Doug Maxwell, YouTube audio
- “Prelude No. 20,” by Chris Zabriskie, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
- “Creation Song,” by Fernando Ortega (Hymns of Worship)
We hope this show was a blessing to you. We would LOVE to hear your ideas for upcoming episodes! You can post those below, or visit us on our Facebook page. NEW: Leave us a message at 989-494-1353.
P.S. We’ll let you know about Episode 7 when you subscribe to our email list!
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